Matt Barnes Apologizes To Ex Anansa Sims After Explosive Drama: It Was Wrong For Me To Do

Matt Barnes, Anansa Sims

Matt Barnes Apologizes To Ex Anansa Sims After Explosive Drama: It Was Wrong For Me To Do

After an explosive fallout that included screenshots and allegationsMatt Barnes is extending an olive branch to Anansa Simshis ex-girlfriend and the mother of his youngest son Ashton, 1.

He hopped on social media to apologize to Anansa Sims for their recent ugly fallout, which played out in front of millions.

He said,

“My brother Jack posted a video I think it was yesterday talking about owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility for the f*ck ups you caused in your life. I think that resonated, and it made me… want to really take a step back and apologize to my ex Anansa for… taking our breakup public. We hit a rocky point fliping out, out of emotion, out of hurt, out of anger, out of frustration, a little misunderstanding, but it was wrong for me to do.”

Matt Barnes, who also has had very public drama with his ex-fiancée and mother of his twin sons, Gloria Govan, seemed to reference those issues when he added,

“I should’ve learned the first time, but you know, there’s no book to this. There’s no guide to this. We’re learning on the fly. I think in hindsight, obviously in the moment you react off of emotion mos tof the time. Then you sit back like d*mn maybe I shouldn’t have did that.”

He continued,

“Just want to take the opportunity to publicly apologize for my actions and putting our mess out there in the public, and allowing people to dissect and pick, and pry and talk sh*t. Because she was nothing but amazing, great mom, great partner, it just didn’t work out.”

He ended by explaining why he posted the apology on social media.

“And a lot of you are probably gonna say why put this on social media, why not privately apologize? I already did privately apologize to her, but I publicly disrespected her so I need to publicly apologize…This is. me looking in the mirror. Sorry, Anansa. I’m excited that we’re at a good place right now and we can co-parent for Ash, cause that’s all that really matters.”

His apology comes just after Ashton reunited with Gloria Govan’s sons.

What are your thoughts on Matt’s apology? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: C.J.