Al Reynolds Says He Wasn’t The First Bisexual Man Star Jones Was Involved With

Al Reynolds Says He Wasn’t The First Bisexual Man Star Jones Was Involved With

Al Reynolds might have shocked the public when he revealed he was bisexual in 2017, but he’s now said he’s not the first bisexual man his ex-wife, lawyer and TV personality Star Jones, was involved with.

He and Star Jones were married from 2004 to 2008.

Al Reynolds said while on ASAP: Another Shawn Allen Podcast:

“Anybody who knows my ex-wife, I was not the first bisexual man that she was involved with okay?… The guy that she was engaged with before she met me was a bisexual man. He came out shortly after she got married as gay so I’m not the first bisexual man that she was involved with.”

He continued:

“Some women like it. There are tons of bisexual men, there are tons of gay men that also nurture heterosexual relationships with women. Wasn’t the first, not gonna be the last. So that’s where that is with that.”

He went on to say he had no choice but to be honest with her because of her celebrity status.

“I went to my ex-wife and I said — remember, at that time, she was probably, besides Oprah, one of the largest Black women entertainers in the business. She was a household name, she was on ABC. So I knew that if I was going to rock with her, I had to be 100 percent transparent with her. And I was. There was no reason for me not to be transparent.”

Star Jones was a co-host on ABC’s The View from 1997 to 2006. Al Reynolds continued:

“I sat down and I told her, I had at that time, my experience was very limited, but I told her what my experience had been up to that point. For me, at that time, I was 30. I was a young kid, right? I dated women up to her. It was what it was. I said, in my mind mentally, if I decide that this is who I’m gonna be with, it didn’t matter if it was a man or a woman, if I decided that’s who I was going to be with, that’s who I was going to marry, that’s who I was going to honor. She had given 10 years to build herself to that point, I wasn’t going to jeopardize that with lying to her. I was going to be forthright and very honest…”

What do you think about what Al Reynolds had to say? Comment and let us know.

Authored by: C.J.