Mental Illness Is Real: D. Wade Demands Psych Evaluation On Ex Wife, Siohvaughn Funches-Wade
The divorce may be final, but now there’s another remaining issue—their children. On Monday, after Dwyane Wade and Siohvaughn Funches-Wade reached a $5 million divorce settlement, the NBA baller filed an emergency motion that forced his ex-wife to undergo psychological testing, or lose all rights to their two boys, Zion, 6 and Zaire, 10. The motion came after Siohvaughn questionable meltdown last week. As you’ll recall, Siohvaughn protested outside of the Daley Center, with a sign stating claiming to be homeless. The three-time NBA champion refused to let his children go on their previously scheduled two-week visitation with their mother. Wade’s attorney’s spoke about the motion filed this week:
S.L.’s [Funches-Wade’s] statements, behavior, and her demeanor in court reflect that she is presently lost, angry and desperate. Her behavior is not in the children’s best interests…D.T. [Wade] requests that this Court immediately suspend S.L.’s timesharing…pending the results of a psychological evaluation of S.L.
In a statement, Siohvaughn denies that there is anything wrong with her or her behavior:
This is Mr. Wade’s ongoing pattern of behavior. I have noticed that after I speak out publicly and say what Dwyane has done to me, my children…Mr. Wade responds by running into court and asking the judge to terminate my visitation with my children in an effort to stop me from seeing my children anymore
Not only did the exes fail to reach a child custody agreement, but their lawyers failed to do so also. Last week, Siohvaughn filed an inference against D.Wade for violating their 2011 agreement that would have the pair alternating time with each two weeks at a time. Funches-Wade’s attorney’s plan to appear in court to demand the children be turned over to their mother. They also plan to seek actions against Wade. Stay tuned.
[Instagram, Chicago Sun-Times]