I’m a mom of 6! Yes, six beautiful babies were housed in my tummy. I have worked hard to get my figure back, but I have never truly embraced the lines left behind after each pregnancy. Oh and that scar? That’s from a cyst removal when I was 18 years old. The doctors thought they might have to remove my left ovary in order to save my life. They didn’t have to, so that scar and those lines, those are what I love. They show that I’m still alive, with 6 beautiful babies.” submission from @ramblingmomof6
As if we didn’t already know this, but a friendly reminder is sometimes needed. There is no such thing as the perfect body and two women have taken their message to social media to communicate those sentiments.
I’m a mother of 3… I have learned to love my body, love lines included.” The body of a woman is like none other. Submission by: @MZ_JANAY
Two mothers have created an Instagram page, called LoveYourLines, which celebrates ‘real women, real bodies and real self love’.
I had my beautiful baby boy just shy of three months ago. I am only eighteen and my body before my son was a whole 98lbs. Back at a healthy 109 I feel better and more beautiful than I ever have before. My stretch marks had a major affect on me for a while until I realized there’s something we forget when we try and erase the years and the scars. We forget they are the markers of a life created, of things learned, of love given and received. My son is an amazing gift sent from god, and nothing that happened to my body through pregnancy will change my views on that. Instead I embrace them.
With over 30K followers, women have submitted images on their stretch marks to showcase just how beautiful they are. For the most part, the photos are submitted anoymously, with a personal story attached. Check out a few of our favorites.