Aretha Franklin’s Family Says Eulogy Was Offensive & Distasteful, Pastor Responds
Aretha Franklin’s Family Says Eulogy Was Offensive, Pastor Responds
Aretha Franklin’s family is not pleased with the eulogy that was given at the legendary singer’s funeral. As previously reported, Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. was criticized on social media over some of the comments that he made about the Black Lives Matter movement and single mothers comparing children in homes without a father ‘abortion after birth’ . He was also accused of homophobia.
Shirley Caesar during Jasper Williams eulogy was everybody’s mood during Aretha’s funeral. #ArethaHomegoing #ArethaFranklinHomecoming
— Anna Shay’s paperweight (@Anamenobodygot) September 1, 2018
A member of Franklin’s family, her nephew Vaughn Franklin, is speaking out on behalf of the family. He says that the family found the funeral offensive and distasteful. Vaughn says,
He spoke for 50 minutes and at no time did he properly eulogize her.
Vaughn says that his late aunt never discussed her funeral arrangements and Williams was selected to eulogize her, because he has spoken at other family memorials in the past. He admits that the eulogy
caught the entire family off guard. It has been very, very distasteful.
Meanwhile, Williams has responded stating,
I understand it. I regret it. But I’m sorry they feel that way.
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