Wendy Williams Responds To Howard Stern Calling Her A ‘Jealous B****’ ‘I Still Admire You Old Man’

Wendy Williams Responds To Howard Stern Calling Her A ‘Jealous B****’ ‘I Still Admire You Old Man’

Wendy Williams appears to be taking the high road, amidst her feud with radio host Howard Stern.

She responded to his insults toward her on social media.

“Showed love to Howard Stern this morning about his new book. Gonna buy it. Had his wife on my show several times. Being told that he’s being nasty to me on his show, it’s all good, Howie. I still admire you old man! The truth is the truth.”

The drama started when Stern found out Williams said he “went Hollywood,” on her daytime talk show.

Howard & Wendy

As for what Williams said,  she actually admitted she admired Oprah Winfrey and Stern.  Everything hit the fan after Williams said Stern was predictable since going Hollywood while talking about his new book.

“Howard is so Hollywood right now. Since you’ve gone Hollywood, everything you say is so predictable. Every story is going to be about, oh I love this one, and then we went on their yacht. He’s a Hollywood insider right now, which sucks. You started like me, being of the people, and now you’ve sat behind the microphone and now you’re the people.”

She also encouraged fans to buy the book, which will be released in May.

Check out her comments at the 20:54 mark.

Stern seemed to take those comments to heart and went off on his radio show.

“What a c***. What a bug-eyed c***. The last time I had her in here she was giving me attitude with this Hollywood crap. You got those big fake t*ts and I’m Hollywood? F*** off. The broad doesn’t have an original thought in her head. You mean because I’ve had success, I’m Hollywood? Because I know Jimmy Kimmel? She doesn’t even know who I’m hanging out with. She doesn’t know what I’m doing with my life. Worry about your husband, not me. I’m sick of her and her bull s*** show.”

Stern was referencing speculation that Williams’ husband, Kevin Hunter, was expecting a love child with his alleged mistress. He proceeds to call her a cow and a broad-faced b**** and blasted her for her “mystery illness,” while questioning if she was born a man or a woman.

Wendy Williams & husband Kevin Hunter

“Keep your opinion to yourself about me. I’ve struggled my entire life to do something that actually means something to people. She’s got me worked up. I’ll bet 20 bucks she pees standing up. I’m just tired of her a**. I’ve been very gracious to her.

What evidence do you have that I’m Hollywood honey? I’m having a real party. You should see my Hollywood lifestyle. You should see my Hollywood friends. I’m still waiting for them…And guess what I never fainted on my show either.”

Fans might remember Williams fainted on her show during a previous Halloween special. Stern ended his rant with this:

“Jealous b****. You’ll never be me. You can pretend to be me, but you’ll never be me. You don’t have my wit, and you don’t have my talent. That’s it. That’s the end of the story.”

Check out what else he had to say below.

What are your thoughts on Wendy’s response to Howard? Let us know in the comments.

Authored by: C.J.