R. Kelly’s Girlfriends Azriel Clary & Joycelyn Savage Were Paid Weekly Allowance By Singer & Made Money By Booking His Appearances

R. Kelly, Joycelyn Savage, Azriel Clary

R. Kelly’s Girlfriends Azriel Clary & Joycelyn Savage Were Paid Weekly Allowance By Singer & Made Money By Booking His Appearances

As R. Kelly’s live-in girlfriends get more and more attention, many can’t help but wonder how they sustain their lifestyle and make money. Reportedly, they’ve been living with R. Kelly, 52, for years so it’s possible they’re set for a while. But now that the singer is in jail against child pornography and other charges, it only makes sense to question how Azriel Clary, 21, and Joycelyn Savage, 23, will survive in his absence.

According to reports, Clary and Savage made their own money by booking R. Kelly for appearances and events as well as handling other business matters. R. Kelly also gifted Clary and Savage with a weekly allowance. They were paid in cash and were able to save a good chunk of their earnings because R. Kelly would foot the bill for everything.

But they’re not necessarily making it rain while they live in Kelly’s Trump Tower in Chicago. Word is that while they have tons of money to blow, they can’t get to it. Ever since Kelly was arrested while walking his dog last week, his workers who usually give them the money, have pretty much disappeared.

Fortunately for them, the condo is paid for through the end of 2019, so they can at least have somewhere to live while R. Kelly serves time in jail.

Only time will tell what will happen when the year is up.

The two ladies sat down with Gayle King earlier this year and Clary said,

“Honestly I’m happy doing what I’m doing. I haven’t figured out what I want to do with my life. But I know when that time comes… We know Rob will still support us regardless.”

Savage added,

“Most definitely. He’s our full support, we’re his full support. All we need is each other.”

See it at the 2:23 mark.

Authored by: Char