Tyrese Calls Out The Rock, Says ‘Hobbs & Shaw’ Movie Is NOT A Win

The Rock, Tyrese

Tyrese Calls Out The Rock, Says ‘Hobbs & Shaw’ Movie Is NOT A Win

Tyrese had lots to say when The Rock landed his own Fast & Furious spinoff. And now that the film has been released, he still has more to get off his chest.

He took to Instagram after the numbers for opening weekend came in for Hobbs & Shaw. The film brought in $180 million, and Tyrese said he wasn’t impressed.

“I have to show my respects for one thing…. He tried…….. Folks called me a hater…. Attacked me for speaking out…..Breaking up the family clearly doesn’t have the value that one would assume it does. You know what maybe just maybe… The Rock and the crew will come dance with us again for #Fast10 we can all hug it out and get back to giving the true fans who have supported this franchise for 20 years WHAT they want……..No hating I’m just pointing out the facts. #FastFamily has more value as the #FastFamily its ok.”

He went on to say,

“The Rock is still one of the biggest movie stars in the world and he’s not hurting for work…. I have 2 franchise films and he has at least 15 so there won’t be any tears on his pillow tonight…. 180 million dollar global opening on Hobbs and Shaw is NOT a win…. In this day and age where everyone wants to be safe and sit on their hands and not speak on real s***… When you do you get attacked and well…. That’s that… Again my respects cause he tried his best ….. The world is clearly used to be [served] its thanksgiving meal a certain way… they want the table to ‘include’ all its flavors and all of its usual ingredients…. The Rock comes from wrestling and he knows all about smack talking and friendly competition…. So… love is love… -Roman has spoken… drops mic #NoComment”

Tyrese first called out The Rock in 2017 when Hobbs & Shaw was announced.

The Rock stayed pretty quiet on social media. However, in an interview last year he shared that he hadn’t spoken to Tyrese.

“No, we haven’t talked at all. That whole thing with Tyrese, it was pretty disappointing because I’d been friends with Tyrese for a very long time. I always feel like a beef requires two people to actually jump in it. It was really one-sided, and he had voiced his opinion a lot on social media and apparently he was going through some stuff too in his personal life, but no, we haven’t talked and I don’t see where we would. To me, there’s no need to have a conversation.”

What are your thoughts on Tyrese’s post? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: C.J.