Trump Refers To Chrissy Teigen As “Filthy Foul Mouthed Wife”, Chrissy Calls Him President P*ss* A** B*tch  

Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Donald Trump

Trump Refers To Chrissy Teigen As “Filthy Foul Mouthed Wife”, Chrissy Calls Him President P*ss* A** B*tch

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have not been shy about their disdain toward President Donald Trump. 

So when he called them out via Twitter Sunday night (Sept. 8), they not only responded, but started trending on social media.

It all began when Trump was tweeting about criminal justice reform and added,

“….musician @johnlegend, and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is – but I didn’t see them around when we needed help getting it passed. “Anchor” @LesterHoltNBC doesn’t even bring up the subject of President Trump or the Republicans when talking about….”

That was all Teigen needed to respond.

She then asked her fans to stop #PresidentP***yA**B***** from trending on Twitter.

Her husband, who Trump also named in his tweet, chimed in and begged First Lady Melania Trump to step in.

Imagine being president of a whole country and spending your Sunday night hate-watching MSNBC hoping somebody–ANYBODY–will praise you. Melania, please praise this man. He needs you. Your country needs you Melania.”

He then referenced a photo of Melania gazing into the eyes of another man while the President was next to her.

He also told fans that #PresidentP***yA**B**** was not appropriate for Twitter.


Still, their back-and-forth with Trump was definitely a topic of conversation as both #filthymouthedwife #TreamChrissy and Chrissy Teigen were trending well into Monday morning (Sept. 9).

What do you think about Teigen and Legend’s latest battle with Trump? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: C.J.