Damon Dash’s Exes Want His $5 Million Settlement With Lee Daniels To Cover His $950K In Back Child Support

Lee Daniels, Damon Dash

Damon Dash Exes Want His $5 Million Settlement With Lee Daniels To Cover His $950K In Back Child Support

Two of Damon Dash’s exes are looking to take matters in their own hands when it comes to the nearly $1 million he owes them in back child support.

According to reports, his ex-wife Rachel Roy and his former girlfriend Cindy Morales hope to cut him out of a process that would get him their money back.

Rachel Roy

Reportedly, the women asked a New York City court, via their lawyer Donnell Suares, to greenlight a deal that would allow them to get the money Damon Dash is set to receive from an unrelated settlement with famed director Lee Daniels. As for that settlement, Lee Daniels and Damon Dash reportedly ironed out a $5 million agreement in Dash’s suit against the “Empire” creator.

Damon Dash

If the judge okays the agreement proposed by Rachel Roy and Cindy Morales, Dash would pay thousands of dollars in installments until the entire amount is covered.

The idea comes a few short weeks after Dash was taken into custody for $404,000 in back child support on Nov. 19. A warrant had also been issued in April 2015 alleging he owed Cindy Morales over $62,000. On top of that, another warrant was issued earlier this year after he was found in contempt of court, which said he had to pay an extra $352,000.

He had plenty to say about the arrest shortly after his release.

Do you think the women are entitled to some of Damon Dash’s settlement? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: Char