NeNe Leakes To Kenya Moore: “You Probably Need To Be Spit On!”
NeNe Leakes to Kenya Moore: “You Probably Need To Be Spit On!”
The saga of drama between “Real Housewives of Atlanta” stars NeNe Leakes and Kenya Moore has been on-going this season. But, as the mid-season trailer suggests, the messiest of the drama is still to come. The trailer shows NeNe Leakes and Kenya Moore in a heated argument, with NeNe lunging towards the former Miss USA with her tongue out. Kenya says the Head Peach In Charge spat on her!
NeNe adamantly denies spitting. However, in a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, she eludes to Kenya deserving the spit-treatment. She said:
“I don’t even know what was going through my mind in that moment, but what I do know is, I didn’t spit on her — but I sorta, kinda wish I had. I’m just gonna be honest about that, because I just think some of the things Kenya says is really nasty and really dirty. And I just feel like, girl, you are just — you probably need to be spit on. You just probably need to be. And it may not sound great, but she probably needs to be spit on.”
NeNe continued:
“I have no sympathy for her. I just don’t. Of course she wanted to run with it, and that’s fine by me. I don’t care, girl. Run with it — I only wish I had spit on you, girl.”

NeNe Leakes, Kenya Moore
She continued, adding that she feels her castmates forgive everyone but her for shortcomings within their friendships:
“Everybody’s human on this show, and everybody makes mistakes — and I feel like I’ve definitely made mistakes, but I also feel like my mistakes are forgivable, and if they can forgive each other, I don’t see why they can’t forgive me for any little thing. And the whole thing that they’re trying to hold against me is last year. Last year, my husband had cancer, and I was his caretaker. I dealt with so much last year, and I feel like I don’t get a break for that, or I don’t get any sympathy for that, because I’m NeNe. We never had cancer in our home before. And everyone is like, ‘Well, last year…’ Girl, last year, I don’t even know who I was last year. Like, I went through so much last year.”
One thing is for sure in NeNe Leakes’ mind: she will not be pushed off of the longstanding reality show by castmate, Kenya Moore. She responded to Kenya claiming she was being phased out of her spot:
“How does she know? I mean, does she… is she in production? I don’t know. I don’t know why she says the things that she says, but what I do know is, for whatever reason — I don’t know how it sounds, I don’t know if it’s great to even say — but I think that she would love for me to be gone, so she could be, in her mind, the head of the show, or the queen of the show, or the one that everyone is talking about. With me there, it’s very difficult for her to have that kind of thing. So, I also think that, if I leave the show and Kenya stays on the show, she will be the demise of the show…If it was my time to go, I absolutely have no problem with that, because the show has been good to me. I’ve been there since day one, and I opened up this door so that Kenya ‘Big Mouth’ Moore could walk through it, OK?”
NeNe has this advice for Kenya:
“That girl is crazy. Something is really wrong with her. No, seriously. She’s a nasty girl. Her attitude is nasty. She’s not a cool girl. None of the girls — she tries to say none of the girls like me. None of them like her! I mean, her attitude is stank…I think sometimes when you’re that personality, that’s powerful — like me, you’ve been there since day one — I feel like I’m a threat to certain girls. I don’t know why, because I personally think that everybody has their own lane. The problem is, don’t you cross over in my lane. Stay over there. We don’t want to have a car crash! Stay in your lane, girl.”
Yikes! What do you think about this portion of NeNe Leakes’ drama with Kenya Moore? Let us know in the comments.
Written by Miata Shanay