#ReplaceEllen Is Trending Amid ‘Ellen’ Show Facing Allegations Of Racism & Sexual Assault 

Ellen DeGeneres

#ReplaceEllen Is Trending Amid ‘Ellen’ Show Coming Under Racism + Sexual Assault Investigation

Ellen DeGeneres and the Ellen Show has been the subject of a lot of scrutiny lately after coming under investigation for sexual assault and racism claims.

Now, the hashtag #replaceellen has been trending on Twitter amid all of the backlash and speculation that her show could end.

While some Twitter users seemed to be jumping on the #replaceellen bandwagon, others backed their tweet with reasons why they opted to “replace Ellen” citing the recent allegations several former Black Ellen employees made against management, saying that they mistreated staff and claimed that the workplace was toxic.

One former employee alleged that there is a facade the veteran host portrays to the public while employees are allegedly mistreated.  She said,

“That ‘be kind’ bullsh*t only happens when the cameras are on. It’s all for show. I know they give money to people and help them out, but it’s for show.”

Another former employee stated,

“They hire people who maybe are inexperienced with how a functional, nontoxic work environment actually is, or someone who just wants to be in that atmosphere so bad that they’ll put up with it. They kind of feed off of that, like, ‘This is Ellen; this is as good as it gets. You’ll never find anything better than this.’”

Ellen DeGeneres

In July, the Ellen show came under internal investigation by WarnerMedia for new sexual assault claims against producers.

This investigation is due to a recent stream of allegations of racism, sexual assault, bullying, and an overall bad work environment made by former employees of the show.

Ellen DeGeneres has since spoken out and apologized about the allegations revolving around her show.  She stated,

“On day one of our show, I told everyone in our first meeting that The Ellen DeGeneres Show would be a place of happiness…Obviously, something changed, and I am disappointed that this has not been the case. And for that, I am sorry.” 

What do you think of the #replaceellen trend on Twitter?  Share your thoughts with us below.

Authored by: Robin Ayers