Kanye Files Objection In Response To Kim’s Claims Of ‘Emotional Distress’ From His Social Media Posts, Lawyers Say “Kim Needs To Prove He Wrote Them”

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian

Kanye Files Objection In Response To Kim’s Claims Of ‘Emotional Distress’ From His Social Media Posts, Lawyers Say “Kim Needs To Prove He Wrote Them”

Kanye is continuing to fight Kim’s request to be single.

In response to estranged wife Kim Kardashian’s most recent request to a judge to grant her single status, citing emotional distress from social media posts, lawyers for Kanye West submit an objection stating that Kim needs to show the posts and prove that Kanye actually wrote them himself to be considered admissible evidence.

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West

Thursday (February 24th), reality tv star Kim Kardashian filed another motion to the court judge requesting her single status be granted pending divorce from rap artist husband Kanye West. In the motion, Kim accused Kanye of spreading “misinformation” on social media regarding their “private family matters and co-parenting”, and says the social posts created emotional distress for her.

Although Kanye has since cleansed his social media account of all remnants of Pete Davidson attacks and co-parenting issues he’s experiencing with Kim, we all know things on the internet tend to last forever.

kanye west

Most recently, lawyers for Kanye submitted a legal objection to Kim’s latest motion stating the claims are ‘double hearsay’, and that Kim would need to produce the alleged social media posts and prove that Kanye wrote them to be considered admissible evidence in court.

According to reports, Kanye’s lawyer stated in the filing objection:

“Kim claims she read something online allegedly by Kanye and characterizes the posts in her declaration as misinformation. The social media posts are not attached to the declaration.”

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian

The document continues:

“Kim needed to offer the social media posts into evidence, and show that the posts were written by Kanye. Had that been done, the posts would be admissible as statements of a party opponent. Instead, Kim argues a point that is not in the record. The statement is inadmissible hearsay … so Kanye asks that it be stricken.”

Kim’s most recent motion, comes after Kanye submitted an objection to her first request to be single – claiming that he believes she would quickly remarry and move their shared assets, and shouldn’t be granted single status until the details of their divorce have been settled.

Reportedly, a court hearing for Kim’s single status request has been scheduled for March 2.

[Source 1, Source 2]

Do you think a judge will grant Kim her single status, or will Kanye prove triumphant? Leave us your thoughts in the comments!

Authored by: Kay Johnson