Media Personalities Esso & Math Hoffa Get Into Heated Verbal Dispute Over Podcast Deal

Media Personalities Esso & Math Hoffa Get Into Heated Verbal Dispute Over Podcast Deal

Things got a little serious on the latest episode of Angela Yee’s Lip Service Podcast

During the discussion, guests Esso — of the Bag Fuel Podcast — and Math Hoffa — of the My Expert Opinion Show — had a heated exchange over what appeared to be about a potential deal they couldn’t see eye to eye on.

Esso, who hosts Bag Fuel alongside Hynaken, angrily told Math Hoffa,

“You turned down Bag Fuel to my f*cking face!”

Yelling back, Math replied,


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“I said nobody watches it!”

As the men went back and forth over their versions of events, Hynaken and Angela Yee can be heard trying to de-escalate the situation.

Despite their apparent issues, it seems all worked out as their separate projects have gained mass followings.

Do you think we’ll get a joint project from Esso and Math Hoffa in the future?

Authored by: Twila-Amoure McDaniel