Kanye West Explains Reason For Presidential Bid: ‘I Believe My Calling Is To Be The Leader Of The Free World’

Kanye West

Kanye West Explains Reason For Presidential Bid: ‘I Believe My Calling Is To Be The Leader Of The Free World’


Kanye West did not hold back in discussing some controversial topics including his presidential bid, his mental health, religion, the music industry and more during a three hour long interview with Joe Rogan. When asked about running for the 2020 presidential election, Kanye revels that he has had this idea since 2015. He said,

“Something that God put on my heart back in 2015. A few days before the MTV Awards, it hit me in the shower. And when I first thought of it, I just started laughing to myself, all this joy came over my body, through my soul. I felt that energy, I felt that spirit.”

Kanye West explained that a lot of his friends and colleagues did not take him seriously when he told them years ago that he would one day run for President. The 43-year-old rapper shared his thoughts of when Donald Trump was elected and became the president. Kanye said,

“When I saw Trump win, I was like see, you can win if you are coming from outside of politics.” 

He goes on to explain his true reason for running for president. He explains,

“I believe that my calling is to be the leader of the free world. If it’s in Gods plan that part of my path is to be the governor [of California] then thats fine but my calling is to be the leader of the free world. “



In discussing the music industry, Kanye said,

“It’s not a safe place. It’s a treacherous place.”

He explains that he is ‘not at war with the music industry’ but wants things to be more fair. He said,

I’m not at war with the music industry. I’m just saying we need to innovate. When I posted my contracts, I had ten contracts that kept putting me inside a labyrinth and things we don’t need. Prince would say we don’t need the distribution part. I’m the kind of person where I’m not trying to eliminate anyone’s job. There’s a way both parties can be happy. These deals can be flipped in a way that they’re just more fair.”

See the three hour long interview below:


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Authored by: Monique Nicole