WTF Celeb Quotables…Courtney Love, David Banner, Jim Jones

According to Billboard and The Jasmine Brand, here are the most amusing celeb quotes (via their own words on twitter) from last week:

@courtneyloveuk (Courtney Love): every blue moon i take an ambien, last night i did, its vile, i texted three people utter gibberish, and woke up spaced out as hell. No! (….<=my kinda girl!)

@THEREALBANNER (David Banner) : (HATERS) If you worked your dreams like you do your mouth – things would happen for you. (…..<=ouch! )

@jimjonescapo (Jim Jones) : I wonder how many women are in relationships where the men speak to them the way mel gibson is on these tapes.

@JoellOrtiz (Joell Ortiz) : E1 told me Fat Joe sucked 6 months ago,Now they putting his album out. Thats a testament to joe’s music and work ethic and e1’s bitchassness (….<=way to call ’em out!)