Ex Love & Hip Hop Star Lovely Mimi & Estranged Husband Remy Trade Insults & Blame Each Other For Divorce [VIDEO]

Remy, Lovely Mimi

Ex Love & Hip Hop Star Lovely Mimi & Estranged Husband Remy Trade Insults & Blame Each Other For Divorce [VIDEO]

Lovely Mimi had lots to say about her split from her soon-to-be ex Remy, who was also her manager. Her video came as a response to Remy’s video on his side of their shocking divorce. She said his video made her upset.

“I’m here to really talk to you guys since he wants to put all of our business out there and lies, and only vaguely talk about certain things and blame everybody for what’s going on in our separation.”

She dedicated the video to women who have suffered toxic relationships and said she ignored red flags in the beginning of their relationship. She said he was a “janky” car salesman and hardly kept a job. She said his family is “full of lies.”

She name-dropped people they had issues with and accused Remy of being a liar and cheater to say the least.

She revealed that he fell out of love with him after a stranger sent her a photo of him and another girl, who she had already told him to leave alone, on a date together. She said she should have left then and there. She packed everything up and threw it outside.

“At that moment I fell out of love. But the devil keeps offering s***. Every time I wanted to leave him, the devil was offering s***.”

She said in that same moment, she was offered to shoot a pilot for a possible new show and took Remy back.

Lovely Mimi, Remy

“Every time I went to break up with this guy because what we ewre going through is unhealthy, the devil offers that. He’s still dealing with this girl, life is getting worse. I get another offer, Love & Hip Hop…. He was still talking to that girl. He would not let this girl go. I still kept him around. I fought for my husband. I kicked my friend out of the house…”

She also broke down as she revealed that they went through money issues as he lost the money she earned from her nail salon. She said he went and got a loan (after giving up on a car wash company she bought for him) to open a hair salon, despite her telling him not to.

“He does it anyways. He builds it. Once he finished it, he walked away from the salon he never looked back. He left me with that shop. I had to promote it, I had to find workers… I didn’t want that shop. He stopped paying bills. How can you expect me not be mad when I’m working my a** off to pay every single bill by myself. I gave him all the money to the promotions [I did]. I let him keep all that money. Now that got the nail shop, the nail shop. He got the promotion money, and he got YouTube money… I wanted Remy to have money so he can go on his own and do whatever he is so he can stop competing with me and feel more like a man.All of a sudden, there are state troopers. The landlord is writing me, and all the time I thought he was paying bills. He didn’t pay nothing. We are behind in bills. The shop is about to get evicted… the hair shop and the nail shop, because he didn’t pay the rent. He was $22,000 behind. How selfish of you to be $22,000 in debt. Where is the money? He don’t have all the money. Guess who has to come out of their hard-earned pocket to pay for this? I paid for it. He does it again. At this point I’m frustrated, that’s it. I’m taking you off the books, I’m taking you off everything.”

She said the only reason she decided to do the video was because Remy did one himself.



As for Remy’s video, he accused the Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star of changing after getting famous. He said they started having issues about a year ago after their communication took a dip and things went downhill from there. He also spoke on the hair salon ordeal and said he wanted to take a risk. He said all was well and they even bought a house together. He went on to say they always took care of people and let people live with them.

He said ultimately the hair salon failed because of a lack of promotion and numbers going down, so they decided to “let it go.” He claimed that’s when things went from bad to worse as she started to pressure him to upgrade her wedding ring and tried to do things for attention on blogs. He added,

“She just wasn’t happy no more, out of nowhere. Money got tight. The relationship started to decrease. The form of respect toward one another was not there no more.”

He said she had the “upperhand” because she was the money maker in the house. They got a break from each other during her nail tour, but things were still bad once she returned.

Check out his full video below.

The two were married for 10 years. They met when Mimi was 19 and he was 18.

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Authored by: C.J.