Young Dro Ordered To Serve 70 Days In Jail After Smashing Banana Pudding In His Girlfriend’s Face

Young Dro Mugshot

Young Dro Ordered To Serve 70 Days In Jail After Smashing Banana Pudding In His Girlfriend’s Face

Young Dro will have to do a little time after getting physical with his girlfriend during an altercation.

The “Shoulder Lean” rapper pleaded guilty to a count of battery/family violence. While he was sentenced to 12 months, he will only have to serve 70 days as he received credit for 20 days already served. He’ll also get a day of credit for each day he has good behavior. The rest of the time will be served via probation.

He’s scheduled to be released as soon as on October 5.

Young Dro

He was also ordered to do a drug/alcohol evaluation within the first 30 days of his release. He’ll have to take domestic violence counseling and can’t drink alcohol or use drugs during his time on probation.

And that’s not all. He’ll be subject to random drug tests and surrender his weapons.

Young Dro was arrested on July 5 for throwing a plate of banana pudding at his girlfriend during a dispute that was said to be about money. She is also accused of throwing food at him as well.

Young Dro Mugshot

While police were called, she said she didn’t want to press charges, but Young Dro was still arrested.

Interestingly enough, part of the reason he’s been in jail this whole time is because he also reportedly owes nearly $41,000 in back child support for a child from a previous relationship, and had to pay $10,000 before he could be released.  But Young Dro said that was an administrative error and that he’s caught up on his payments.

Meanwhile, he’s still promoting new music.

What do you think about Young Dro’s jail time? Tell us in the comments!


Authored by: C.J.