DMX Delivers A Word: This Is The Time You Should Learn To Pray For Yourself


DMX Delivers A Word: This Is The Time You Should Learn To Pray For Yourself

DMX is spreading the good news on social media during the spread of COVID-19.

The rapper hopped on Instagram Live with a bible close by and started with,

“The reason I haven’t [got on and said a prayer] is because I feel like this is the time you should learn to pray for yourself. God has given you time away from the distractions…away from the everyday hustle, things that we came to think were important, and are finding out haven’t been that important at all. You start to realize what’s really important is having our loved ones around us… getting back to who we are, who we’re supposed to be. Peace… That’s a word. Peace be still. That’s in the bible, those are not my words.”

He continued,

“[God] forced us into it… God gon’ make you listen, believe that. He will sit you down. That’s just what it is…”

He referenced those who have passed away from the coronavirus before giving a shout out to rapper Scarface, who is recovering from it. 


DMX said,

“There were some that were called home to God and others who became aware of the grace that God was willing to give them by bringing them back from the brink of death. Scarface, making a recovery… My condolences to the family of everyone that has lost someone…”

He then grabbed his bible and read scripture about mourning and grieving. He added,

“The most important thing that we can hope for, or pray for, or ask for, is that our desires coincide with God’s will. At the end of the day, at the beginning of the day, it’s always gonna be God’s will. We try to understand why He does what He does, you’re just gonna end up with a headache. Just do the right thing.”

He also read from Ecclestias 3, which says there’s a time for everything before urging his viewers to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.

“There are no words more powerful than the [bible]. Your own prayer can do a lot better than someone else’s prayer for you. Whoever hasn’t given their life to Jesus Christ, whoever hasn’ts surrendered all the way, though there may be some who don’t know how, I wanna walk you down right now. If you’re serious about it. Say it with me. Dear Lord Jesus, I realize I’m a sinner, I repent for my sins. And right this moment, I receive you as my Lord and Savior.”

He continued,

“Don’t try to understand it. Just get that relationship with Him…”

He ended with,

“I love who I am, I’m God’s child. We all are. If you don’t know it, you’re gonna miss out on so many blessings that He has for you. And it comes from insight. It just comes from being aware. The word says ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge.’ Perish is not always dying. It’s being lost, not being able to be found.”

Are you here for DMX’s bible study? Tell us in the comments.


Authored by: C.J.