Taylor Swift Calls For The Removal Of Historical Monuments That ‘Honor Racists’ In Tennessee: Villains Don’t Deserve Statues!

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Calls For The Removal Of Historical Monuments That ‘Honor Racists’ In Tennessee: Villains Don’t Deserve Statues!
Country singer Taylor Swift joins the long list of celebrities who have been speaking out recently against injustice and racism against black people in America. In an effort to help the fight against racial injustice, she recently announced her donation to the NAACP, one of the most recognizable organizations known to work for civil rights for African-Americans, and called for her fans to follow her lead:

Taylor Swift took to her Instagram Friday (June 12) to voice her opinion on the presence of specific statues of known racist figures in her home state of Tennessee. Her message was conveyed in four slides where she passionately informed her readers of who some of the people were who have monuments erected in their memory. Her caption of the slides included a call to action by the Tennesse powers that be:
I’m asking the Capitol Commission and the Tennessee Historical Commission to please consider the implications of how hurtful it would be to continue fighting for these monuments. When you fight to honor racists, you show black Tennesseans and all of their allies where you stand, and you continue this cycle of hurt. You can’t change history, but you can change this.
In her first photo, Taylor Swift says that as a Tennessean, it makes her sick that these monuments exist:
Edward Carmack and Nathan Bedford Forrest were DESPICABLE figures in our state history and should be treated as such.

The “Bad Blood” singer’s second slide notes that one of the statues, one of Edward Carmack, was recently torn down during the protests and is supposed to be restored, which she says will be “a waste of an opportunity to do the right thing:”

Taylor goes on to say that another statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest is still standing and there is a day to honor him that may end as a result of pressure to eliminate it:

She ends her slides with a statement where she says she realizes the removal of the monuments will not eliminate “centuries of system oppression” that black people in America have dealt with, but she says it could make residents and visitors of her home state feel just a little safer:

What do you have to say about Taylor Swift’s call to have these statues removed? Sound off in the comments!