Ice Cube Creates ‘A Contract With Black America’ To Address Racial Inequality

Ice Cube

Ice Cube Creates ‘A Contract With Black America’ To Address Racial Inequality

Rapper and businessman Ice Cube (real name O’Shea Jackson) is taking a stance in the fight against racial inequality. Since the re-ignition of the Black Lives Matter Movement, the 51-year-old artist and entrepreneur has been actively vocal on his social media accounts as an advocate for justice against police brutality, racial injustice, and systematic racism.

Yesterday (June 30), Ice Cube announced on Twitter that he will be creating a document to help further the conversation of racial inequality. He stated:

I’m seeing a lot of Police Reform talk and community outreach initiatives. But to really start to fix the sins of the past. The U.S. needs A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA. Top to bottom change. I’ve created a document that I will release tomorrow that will start the conversation.
The Los Angeles native kept his word by announcing the release time for his document, A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA. He tweeted:
I will release a document called, A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA at 10:30am est.
Ice Cube followed his release tweet by informing his 5.4 million followers that he will have to make a few corrections to his document before releasing it.
Making some minor adjustments, he tweeted. Stand by.
An hour later, Ice Cube released A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA. Alongside the link to the official document, the rapper tweeted:
This Contract With Black America was designed to start the hard conversations. It was made to be perfected and debated. Add comments and suggestions so we can create a better contract with America that will help create a better and more perfect Union.
The document addresses social inequality by bringing forth several reforms that aim to bring balance amongst races in all industries. This list includes the Entertainment Industry reform and respirations. The reform asks for
“mandatory funding for “Black Studios” by the largest Hollywood Studios, record companies, and Television studios to compensate for years of lack of support, stereotyping, and damage to black culture.”

After releasing A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA, he announced that he will be releasing a second document later today (July 1), but one that is focused on addressing Police, Justice & Prison Reform.

How do you feel about Ice Cube’s A CONTRACT WITH BLACK AMERICA document? Do you believe it will help further the conversation on racial inequality in America? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Authored by: Cierra Jones