Maxine Waters Calls President Trump A ‘Low Life, Lying, Crooked, Tax Evader, Porn Star Fornicator’

Maxine Waters Calls President Trump A ‘Low Life, Lying, Crooked, Tax Evader, Porn Star Fornicator’

Maxine Waters recently took a moment… or two… to publicly criticize President Donald TrumpThe congress woman called out Trump for his comments against former Vice President and current Presidential candidate Joe Biden. She also took issue with his support of the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un.

Joe Biden

Waters wrote,

“Trump is an embarrassing unAmerican traitor! How dare he denounce and belittle VP Biden on foreign soil on Memorial Day! How can these spineless Republicans look their spouses and children in the face and claim to teach them patriotism?

America’s disgraceful president is totally out of control! He is now supporting murderous dictator Kim Jong Un who is testing ballistic missiles and threatening the United States. Does Trump’s desire to be a dictator supercede the security of his own country?

Low life Trump – lying, crooked, tax evader, porn star fornicator – should take his ridiculous self home, resign, and free us of what we will have to do to impeach him and throw him out of office!”

As for the comments Trump made about Biden, he recently criticized Biden while supporting Kim Jong Un.

What do you think about Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ comments? Let us know in the comments. 

Authored by: C.J.