Chris Brown – My Talent Won’t Be Recognized Until I’m Dead!

Chris Brown
Chris Brown Reflects On His Life, Claiming He’ll Only Be Recognized For The Good He’s Done Once He Deceased
Throughout Chris Brown’s more-than-a-decade long career, he’s faced some great times and career damaging circumstances also. While he’s overcome domestic violence charges; baby mama drama; and currently faces charges over possessing a pet monkey without a permit (within the state of California), he is still challenging naysayers by making music his fans enjoy, raising his daughter Royalty, and developing his clothing brand, Black Pyramid.
“Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta” star Tommie recently shared how people should appreciate their loved ones while they’re on Earth, following the death of a close friend; Brown gave similar sentiments, but about his own career on Friday (Dec. 28) via a lengthy caption,
One day they will make a movie about this kid, saying how he was one of the greats and stared adversity in the eyes and stood tall no matter what they threw at him. HE MADE MUSIC THAT MATTERED AND HELPED SO MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE IN THEIR ABILITIES TO MANIFEST THEIR OWN DESTINY. it’s pretty sad that all these things will be recognized when IM GONE! BUT FOR NOW, IMA REMAIN HUMBLE/CREATIVE (MYSelf) And ultimately elevate my CONSCIOUSNESS.
Brown is suspected to be releasing new music within 2019. His last project, “Heartbreak On A Full Moon,” included 45 tracks and dropped in 2017.