[VIDEO] Traci Steele Says She Was Fired From Love & Hip Hop Atlanta For Not Being ‘Turnt Up’
Things are not looking so bright on the TV front from DJ Traci Steele and her baby daddy, DJ Babey Drew. After only one season on VH1’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, allegedly the duo have gotten the axe and will not return for another season. In an interview with Bossip, Traci announced that she had been fired from the show, along with a few more details on cast mates and more. Peep a few excerpts.
On what she wanted to accomplish by joining the show:
Exposure…that’s all it was about. I knew that being a female DJ, I want to get out there more and brand myself better. I knew that I wanted to take this brand Steele Pretty and DJ Traci Steele nationally, but I actually took it globally. I didn’t know that LHHA was playing in different countries. I’ve had people in England and Africa hit me and tell me they love me. I was shocked so I definitely accomplished what I wanted to….Absolutely one of the best things I’ve done…
On If Chris Brown negatively influenced the father of her child, Babey Drew:
I felt like Drew being in his 30s, hanging with very young people like Chris Brown made him feel like he’s young too and he could date these little young ones. I feel like being in Chris Brown’s camp, made him feel like he was young, do, can look, and date young people I don’t think he influence him in a bad way…He’s a grown man and he needs to make the right decisions and do the right things and not let anyone influence him.
If she’s mended her friendship with Shay:
Hell nah. I don’t f-ck with her, that’s it. We don’t have nothing in common. She out there running the streets and being single and doing her thing. I’m at home raising my son doing my thing. We just don’t have anything in common. We don’t see eye to eye and there’s nothing wrong with that.
On if she id doing the next season of LHHA:
No. I might do some appearances, show my face or DJ or something like that, but as far being a cast member, no. I didn’t chose. Apparently me and Drew weren’t as turned up I guess as the rest of the cast members. We had some sanity. We were a little more relaxed more grounded. A lot of people came to me and said ‘you have the most class out of everybody else’ well class don’t cut it on Love and Hip Hop.
Fans expressed there opinions on Twitter:
Peep the entire clip below.
What are your thoughts on Traci and Babey Drue’s departure? Were they too conservative for the show or a bit on the dry side?
[Bossip, Twitter]