Tracee Ellis Ross On The Pay Gap In Hollywood, Living In Her Mother’s Shadow

If she has experienced a difference in pay: 

Tracee Ellis Ross: In Pay? I’ve had moments of realizing things. Yes.

If her male co-star on Black-ish is paid more:

Tracee Ellis Ross: I don’t know the specifics, but I would hope not.

Tracee Ellis Ross-Sings With Mother Diana Ross-the jasmine brand

On living in her mother’s shadow:

Tracee Ellis Ross: I think I figured out at a very young age. I realized a lot of people loved me just because I was apart of or standing next to someone that they loved; just out of the spill of her glitter. You know? And it made me uncomfortable because I felt like I didn’t deserve that because I didn’t do anything.

Tracee Ellis Ross, Diana Ross

Tracee Ellis Ross, Diana Ross

And that compelled me to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do to get and be worthy of that attention. I’ve worked tirelessly at that and I continue to so that I have a sense of myself and it’s a fun journey I think in that sense.

On the Black Lives Matter movement:

Tracee Ellis Ross: I think it’s important. I think Black Lives do matter. Simply put.

Larry King: How would anyone disagree with that?

Tracee Ellis Ross: I don’t know, but somehow people do. …it’s not that it’s information that has resurfaced because it’s been here but whether cell phones on cameras or whatever it is we are becoming aware of things that’s been going on bad they are not that different but it’s come to the forefront of our attention in a way that begs for us to remind each other that black lives do matter.

By –@adriesaid

Authored by: TJB Writer