What Have Your Favorite Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Cast Members Been Up To?

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Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is off season but don’t you fret, the show returns this spring. In their much missed absence, we felt it was our duty to keep you up to speed while they’ve been off screen, filming non-stop for their VH1 return. As you may know, K. Michelle is no longer apart of the ATL crew and is now a cast mate on LHHNY. However, it has been confirmed that Wacka Flocka’s fiancé Tammy Rivera has joined ATL the cast. Here’s a break-down of who’s been doing what, with whom and why.
Stevie J and Benzino have embarked on a joint venture in the restaurant business and opened the Sleazy and Zino Bistro & Bar in Atlanta.
According to Benzino’s magazine Hip Hop Weekly:

It is an upscale facility with a theme-restaurant style approach, where the food and drink menus all tie into characters and other elements associated with the TV show.

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Also, bachelor Benzino (who use to date Karlie Redd) also has found a new love interest, singer Thi Thi. The pair have been spotted out and about in the city.

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Speaking of couples, Stevie J and wife Joseline are still going strong.

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We hear they’re very much married. Our guess is, viewers will see wedding planning (spin-off perhaps) at it’s finest.

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Mimi Faust recently celebrated her birthday in Miami with boyfriend Nikko. Looks like these two have worked through their love bird issues.

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Erica Dixon has recently launched clothing line Klass 6, and was spotted in Miami with boyfriend Oshea and castmate Karli Redd.

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The trio also hung with Drake and Terrence J on New Years Eve.

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Rasheeda has bounced back from having a baby a short while ago and has been busy promoting clothing line ‘I’m Bossy‘. She’s also working on a secret collab with fellow reality star Kandi Burrus and Toya Wright. 

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Karile Redd recently covered USL Magazine. We’re told she’s caught the acting bug and recently snagged a cameo in one of Chris Rock’s films. 



Lil Scrappy has been spending time with his daughter, whom he’s shares with fellow castmate Erica Dixon. He’s also still hot and heavy with ex Basketball Wives LA’s Bambi.

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Newbie Tammy Rivera and her fiancé Wacka Flocka are the newest LHHA fixtures. No drama as of yet, but Tammy was recently seen socializing with Love & Hip Hop’s Erica Mena.

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The new season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta airs Monday, April 21st on VH1.


[Instagram, Madam Noire]

Authored by: tjbwriteratlanta